Ways of Communication
We strive to keep parents and guardians informed and to make our community aware of the many events and happenings at our schools by using various communication methods. We welcome feedback and suggestions. If you are not receiving our communications, please contact your school’s main office orjaclyn.richardson@tyngsboroughps.org
Sharing of Student achievements
Tyngsborough Public School District has a proud tradition of celebrating student achievements by sharing them with our community. In order to do so, we utilize a variety of formats including displays in public buildings, newspapers, school and/or district websites, television, and other media/social networking tools as approved by school department administration. This information may include a student's name, picture, class/grade, work samples, or other evidence of participation in other TPS programs
While we strive to promote the achievements of all of our students, we understand that reasons may exist for you to not feel comfortable with sharing your child’s information. If you DO NOT want the Tyngsborough Public School District to share information related to your child’s achievements as explained above, please contact your child’s school.
Emergency Communications
It is important that the school has an updated telephone number and email address for all student’s families at all times. We encourage you to keep this information current through the school office. Additionally, you may obtain school cancelation or delayed opening information through school messenger, texts and emails and on social media.