Registration Forms and Documents
New Student Online Registration
For families that are registering a NEW student in the Tyngsborough Public Schools, please follow the steps below.
- Create an online enrollment account (this is different than a Parent Portal account) and fill out the applicable registration form:
Click here for 2024-2025 - Download and complete the necessary forms listed below. Completed forms and documents can be dropped off at individual schools between the hours of 8 am - 2 pm.
- Once step 1 & 2 are complete, a member of the school administrative staff will contact families to confirm registration and return the original birth certificate.
* For questions or further information regarding registration, please call:
Tyngsborough Elementary School (Grades Preschool - 5): 978-649-1990
Tyngsborough Middle School (Grades 6 - 8): 978-649-3115
Tyngsborough High School (Grades 9 - 12): 978-649-7571
Or email
Returning Students
For children already enrolled in Tyngsborough Public Schools must update their contact and emergency information on the Parent Portal.
Please refer to the checklist below and download the necessary forms to register one or more children for Tyngsborough Public Schools. Completed forms and documents can be dropped off at individual schools between the hours of 8 am - 2 pm.
Because the student registration process can take a couple of days, it is recommended that
you do not withdraw your child from their current school until a start date has been established with TPS.
(Printable checklist here)
- Child's birth certificate (an original not a photocopy, we will make a photocopy and return original to you).
- Child's up-to-date immunization record (Required immunizations can be found in our health letter)
- Student Health Information Form 24-25
- Child's current physical exam (must be within the last 12 months prior to entering TPS)
- Residency Documents (Click here for the full policy)
- Residency Affidavit
- Copy of Parent(s)/Guardian(s) photo ID
- Transportation Form (K - Grade 12)
- Records Release
- Home Language Survey
- 2024-2025 Free & Reduced Lunch Application Packet (TMS and THS Registrations only)
- Copy of signed IEP (if applicable)
- Copy of 504 accommodation plan (if applicable)
- Mass. Parental Notice with one-time consent to allow School District to access MassHealth (Medicaid) Benefits. (Not applicable for all students but we ask parents/guardians to sign this form for each student)
For students registering for Tyngsborough Elementary School these additional forms are also required:
- 24-25 Preschool Program Option Form / Tuition Information (Preschool only)
- Development History Questionnaire (Preschool through Grade 5)